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Styku 3D body scanner

Detailed presentation and visualization of all measurements, shapes, body composition and other values important for quality body analysis and weight loss approach.

What is Styku?

Styku is a revolutionary 3D scanner that provides a true body view, detailed body composition, and individual measurements data.

It creates an extremely accurate 3D model and provides hundreds of precise body measurements in just a few seconds. Clients can see their exact measurements of the waist, hips, breasts, thighs …

Styku 3D body scanner
These photographs show the real condition before and after the procedure. The results of each procedure are subject to individualities and normal variability of surgical results. Consequently, Bagatin Clinic cannot guarantee equal results for each individual client. 


How is measurement done?

Scanning on the Styku device is quite simple.

You need to stop on the unit and be still for 30 seconds as the platform rotates by 360 degrees.

Thanks to the most powerful 3D camera in the world, more than 600 detailed high-resolution infrared images are produced because Styku records millions of data in just a few seconds of a non-invasive and harmless process.

No additional preparation of the organism is required for the measurement process itself.

You only need to wear tight underwear in which you will be measured. 

Storing data

Statistical data stored in the device, which are used both to compare the current measurements and as indicators of optimal condition, are the result of scientific research conducted on thousands of samples.

The program allows the operator to fully scan the body, track changes in the body, calculate various health and body metrics and many more.

Styku 3D body scanner
The benefits of Styku 3D body scanning:
  • Continuous monitoring of the changes in the client’s  body  shape during the weight loss process as well as implementation of a new nutrition plan defined in nutrition counselling
  • tracking of basic indicators such as the size of hips, thighs, waist, breasts and other, which helps locate the areas where fat is lost and size reduced
  • comparison of the results obtained with average values within a particular sex and age group around the world
  • Individual approach in achieving goals and defining the model of daily activities. Desired weight and fat content, time and activity level are chosen, whereby  the program defines the amount of calories that have be consumed daily
  • before / after photos - unlike previous 2D photos that often mislead customers, 3D photos on Styku device are objective and clearly show real changes.
  • visual progress - the client’s profile allows continuous monitoring of body changes, along with a visual component, where the lines show the condition during each new scanning
Body shaping

In addition to scanning the body on the Styku device, in order to get a more accurate insight into your health and body condition, we recommend doing a medical body composition analysis with the help of Seca mBCA 515  analyzer which measures body weight, subcutaneous fat tissue, muscle mass, percentage of water, BMI and basal and active metabolism.

Based on all the results and analyzes obtained, defined goals and diet plans, you can also decide on proven body shaping treatments.

Med Contour Multipower and Zerona cold laser are the best treatments for body shaping, cellulite removal and skin tightening with results visible immediately.

You can learn everything about the treatments we offer and the experts of the Polyclinic Bagatin who carry them out in a free copy of the Guide through body shaping treatments.

Free online consultation with our doctors

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By phone on +385 1 46 10 225 or through our online contact form

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Working hours

Green Gold Tower
Mon - Fri 08:00 - 20:00h
Donji grad
Mon - Fri 08:00 - 20:00h
Dioklecijan Hotel & Residence
Mon - Fri 08:00 - 20:00h


Where to park

Parking Parking available in Green Gold centre, Zagreb underground garage. For detailed information download a map

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