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The favorite autumn facial treatments of our ambassadors 18. September 2015.


The favorite autumn facial treatments of our ambassadors

Recipes of Indira, Ana and Ecija for the perfect look of the face 

There are many factors that change and strongly affect the skin of the face, such as the quality of moisture, sebum, hyperpigmentation and, of course, the most hated wrinkles. One of the most ruthless factors is certainly the sun! Therefore, autumn seems to be the perfect opportunity to rejuvenate facial skin and prepare it for harsh winter, so that it could stay moistened and healthy as long as possible.

Indira, Ana i Ecija

Our ambassadors Indira Levak, Ana Begić Tahiri and Ecija Ojdanić regularly seasonally treat their skin using treatments suitable for their skin problems. Prior to the first treatment they did a professional VISIA skin analysis, which determined the condition and type of the skin, and then our experts selected the treatments, which very quickly resolved their problems.             

Indira tightens the skin of the face using Med Visage ultrasound treatment

Indira se nakon ljeta požalila na malo opušteniju kožu lica i vrata, stoga su joj naši stručnjaci preporučili Med Visage tretman za lifting lica koji kombinira ultrazvuk i radiofrekvenciju. Ovaj tretman preporučujemo osobama nakon 30-te godine života ili u trenutku kada primijete prve bore na licu ili pad elastičnosti kože.

After the summer Indira complained about little saggy skin of the face and neck, that is why our experts recommended her Med Visage treatment for face lift, which combines ultrasound and radiofrequency. This treatment is recommended for people over 30 years of age or when they notice the first wrinkles or decrease in skin elasticity.


The combination of ultrasound and radiofrequency enables a deep treatment that can effectively reduce wrinkles and untension of the face and neck skin. Thermal effects of this treatment create friction and increase the heat of the treated area. Med Visage compresses the fibers of the skin, especially collagen and elastin, thus providing the expected effect of natural skin tightening. The treatment is ideal for autumn days, because just in a few procedures it can provide excellent results.

Along with Med Visage treatment we often recommend our clients REVIDERM Skin Peeler microdermoabrasion and laser rejuvenation of the facial skin, especially when after a long exposure to the sun they suffer from cosmetic defects, such as hyperpigmentation or dry and dehydrated skin. Then this combination of treatments is ideal for them.

Ana fills wrinkles with hyaluronic dermal fillers

Bilo da je riječ o popunjavanja bora lica ili usana, dermalni hijaluronski fileri su broj 1 tretman u svijetu, a Ana je ovaj tretman izabrala zbog izraženih nazolabijalnih bora. Radi se o prirodnom preparatu na bazi hijaluronske kiseline koje tijelo prepoznaje i metabolizira, a njihovo trajanje je od 9 do 18 mjeseci, ovisno o preparatu koji se koristi, jer ih tijelo kroz neko vrijeme prirodno razgradi. Naime, svi počinjemo postupno starjeti od 25-te godine života i upravo je tada u vrlo malim količinama dodavanje hijalurona najbolja prevencija nastanka bora i smanjenja usana do kojeg dolazi s godinama.

Whether it comes to filling facial wrinkles or lips, dermal hyaluronic fillers are the No.1 treatment in the world, and Ana chose this treatment because of expressed nasolabial wrinkles. It is a natural product based on hyaluronic acid which recognizes and metabolizes the body and lasts for 9 to 18 months, depending on the type what is used, because the body naturally decomposes them over the time. In fact, we all begin to gradually age when we turn 25, and exactly then the addition of very small quantities of hyaluronic acid is the best prevention of wrinkles and volume reduction of lips that occurs with age. 

Ana Begić Tahiri during the treatment with dermal fillers

Hyaluronic fillers are ideal for filling the wrinkles almost in all parts of the face. Along with removal of wrinkles, they are also used for correction of facial contours, lip augmentation, as well as correction of circles under the eyes. But if you struggle against horizontal wrinkles on the forehead, vertical wrinkles on the forehead (the so-called frown wrinkles) and fine lines on the outside of the eyes (the so-called laugh wrinkles), then Botox facial therapy is the ideal treatment for you. The most important thing is to point out that hyaluronic fillers and Botox actually help to maintain the natural look of the face if you do not overdo and if you are treated by an experienced doctor.

Ecija improves the skin tone using laser fractional peeling 

Our Ecija has entered her forties and for some time has been worrying about her skin tone and shallow wrinkles on the face. Our experts recommended her laser peeling with fractional Erbium laser, that is a new and unique technique that uses gentle laser light to reduce the effects of aging on the skin. The treatment is particularly effective on the skin of the face and neck, but can be also applied to any skin area. Therefore, if you have visible lines or shallow wrinkles on the face, acne scars or hyperpigmentation, you are an ideal candidate for this treatment. During the treatment the epidermis (surface skin layer) is being precisely removed in order to reach the lower layer, which is smoother and more youthful. The treatment also activates collagen which encourages further tightening of the skin and stimulates the cells within the dermis to produce new, fresh epidermal layer.

Ecija Ojdanić during the laser facial peeling

As all the others, this treatment can be combined with one of facial treatments from our wide range. We usually recommend mesotherapy, because it has good effects in people with dry skin, those who have expressed signs of photoaging and those with more mature skin. During the treatment revitalizing ingredients are applied to the upper layers of the skin, which ensures the transition of the epidermal barrier and application of active revitalizing ingredients, such as hyaluronic acid, vitamins, minerals and antioxidant agents in the deeper layers of the skin, where they are most efficient. 



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